
Exquisite Pastel Rose Bouquet

Round bouquet of varied roses in shades of pink, fuchsia, and mauve. This floral creation made by a local florist is made up of various roses, and folded aspidistras leaves added to the base of the bouquet. All are held together by a natural raffia link (Flowers vary according to seasons and availability in store. Shape, spirit, and colors will be respected) - Non-contractual visual.

Montpellier flowers  -  Pastel bouquet of varied roses Nice Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Pastel bouquet of varied roses Nice Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Pastel bouquet of varied roses Nice Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Pastel bouquet of varied roses Nice Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: FR-1339
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Montpellier flowers  -  Pastel bouquet of varied roses Nice Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Pastel bouquet of varied roses Nice Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Pastel bouquet of varied roses Nice Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Pastel bouquet of varied roses Nice Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Exquisite Pastel Rose Bouquet

  • Elevate any occasion with our stunning round bouquet featuring a delightful array of roses in shades of pink, fuchsia, and mauve.
  • Crafted by our talented local florist, this floral masterpiece is adorned with elegantly folded aspidistra leaves, adding a touch of sophistication.
  • The bouquet is expertly tied together with a natural raffia link, ensuring a charming and eco-friendly presentation.
  • Please note that flower varieties may change with seasons and store availability, but rest assured the overall shape, spirit, and colors will always be honored.
  • Bring joy to your loved ones with this non-contractual visual that promises a burst of beauty and warmth on any special day.
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