
Capri Red and White Rose Bouquet

Pretty tight round bouquet in shades of red, white composed of white roses, red the white roses are arranged in the center of the collar of red roses, a foliage of turned cordyline finishes this bouquet (the cordyline can be replaced by coconut leaves) - Non-contractual visual

Montpellier flowers  -  Bouquet of red and white roses Capri Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Bouquet of red and white roses Capri Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Bouquet of red and white roses Capri Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Bouquet of red and white roses Capri Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Product Code: FR-4200
The picture is an example and the quantity of flowers have illustrative value.
Montpellier flowers  -  Bouquet of red and white roses Capri Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Bouquet of red and white roses Capri Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Bouquet of red and white roses Capri Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
Montpellier flowers  -  Bouquet of red and white roses Capri Flower Bouquet/Arrangement
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Capri Red and White Rose Bouquet

  • Stunning Red and White Bouquet: Elevate your celebration with our exquisite round bouquet featuring a harmonious blend of red and white hues.
  • Focal Elegance: White roses take center stage, surrounded by a collar of vibrant red roses for a captivating visual impact.
  • Natural Flourish: A tasteful touch of turned cordyline foliage adds a unique flair, creating a botanical masterpiece. (Note: Coconut leaves can be substituted for cordyline.)
  • Timeless Beauty: This non-contractual visual showcases a tight arrangement, perfect for expressing love and joy on any occasion.
  • Order Now: Bring this bouquet to life, combining sophistication with nature's beauty for a memorable gift.
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